RPC Piegatrici

Branches and Service Centers in Italy

The twenty years of experience of our technicians combined with a stocked warehouse enables our company to operate swiftly and competently.

In addition to quickly responding to urgent interventions, we can program scheduled maintenance in order to always have the machines in perfect condition, providing the client with a database of the interventions performed and to be performed.

In fact, the scheduled maintenance considerably reduces extraordinary interventions, for this reason, our company has decided to differentiate the rates for the extraordinary and specialized maintenance from those of ordinary maintenance adapted to the general regulations of the levelling machine, blades rotation, adjusting abutment - intermediary parallelisms, oil change and filters and anything else that falls under general adjustments.

A strong point of our. technical assistance is to have in addition to the main office in Piacenza, a service center complete with spare parts warehouse located in the Marche region which allows the reduction of travel costs and speed in technical intervention


Via Enrico Mattei 47/49,
29027 Podenzano (PC), frazione Gariga Italia
Email: info@rpcpiegatrici.com
Tel: +39 0523 650917
Fax: +39 0523 650917

Service centre
Central and Southern Italy

Via Aristide Merloni 12,
61030 Cartoceto (PU), frazione Lucrezia
E-mail: info@rpcpiegatrici.com
Tel/Fax: +39 0523 650917
Cell: +39 348 3914414 (Sig. Marochi Danilo)